Most Played Scottish Album of the Year (SAY) Award Artist Chart

PPL celebrated the tenth edition of the Scottish Album of the Year Award with a special chart revealing the most played SAY Award Shortlisted artists.


Most Played Female Artist of the 21st Century in the UK

PPL’s chart kickstarts celebrations for the fourth edition of National Album Day on Saturday 16 October 2021.


Most Played Christmas Track of the 21st Century

The most played Christmas track of
the 21st Century is based on PPL data,
compiled from exclusive music usage
and airplay information.

Most Played Christmas Tracks

Exclusive analysis of PPL airplay data
reveals the Most Played Christmas number
one songs of the last decade (2008-2018).

Most Played UK Orchestras

To celebrate the Gramophone Awards in 2018,
PPL released a chart of the orchestras which
were Most Played on UK radio and TV.

Most Played Apple Records
Tracks Chart

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Apple
Records, PPL produced a chart of the Most
Played tracks released by the record label.

Most Played Scottish Artists

To celebrate Scotland’s contribution to the
UK music industry, PPL released a chart of
the Most Played Scottish artists.

Most Played Artists On The
‘Hootenanny’ Show

To celebrate the 25th edition of the show, PPL
revealed a chart of the Most Played artists
who have appeared on the Hootenanny show.

Most Played Northern Irish
Acts Chart

To coincide with the fifth annual Northern
Irish Music Prize in 2017, PPL released a
chart of the Most Played Northern Irish acts.

Most Played Welsh Artists

To coincide with the seventh annual Welsh
Music Prize in 2017, PPL released a chart of
the 12 Most Played Welsh artists.

Most Played Pink Floyd
Tracks Chart

To coincide with the 50th anniversary of Pink
Floyd’s debut album, PPL released a chart of
the Most Played Pink Floyd tracks.

Most Played Nirvana Chart

To celebrate the life of a pivotal figure in the
grunge movement, PPL reveals the Most
Played Nirvana tracks on UK radio and TV
in the 21st century.

Most Played Love Song Chart

PPL and BBC Radio 2 joined forces to create
the first-ever Valentine’s Day love song
chart based purely on radio airplay.

Most Played Jukebox Chart

PPL revealed its first ever Jukebox Chart in
2016, celebrating the Most Played artists
and singles from jukeboxes across the UK.